The Myth Of Judeo-Christian
“It’s absurd to speak of Jesus Christ and to cherish a Judaism which has come to an end. For where there is Christianity there cannot be Judaism.” – St Ignatius

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“It’s absurd to speak of Jesus Christ and to cherish a Judaism which has come to an end. For where there is Christianity there cannot be Judaism.” – St Ignatius
The Myth Of Judeo-Christian
An oxymoron.
An ‘Ugly-Beauty,’ a ‘Deadly-Remedy.’
I grew up in Judaism and was taught that it had to adapt its rituals and creed due to radical changes in Jewish history:
The Babylonian Captivity in 700 BC.
The Diaspora in 70 AD.
Call it:
‘The Great Transformation’…
…from the “Biblical Faith” of Israel…
…to the “Rabbinic Faith” of Judaism.
“Biblical Faith” was based on Temple Ritual exclusively done by the Priesthood.
Don’t mess.
For when King Uzziah presumed upon the priesthood God struck him with leprosy.
‘Christianity,’ “The Church”—”The Israel of God”—is the continuance of the “Biblical Faith” of Israel in its New Covenant Priesthood, “After The Order of Melchizedek,” as prophesied by King David.
“Judaism,” “Talmudic Law”—from which Modern-Day Judaism stems—is the continuance of, “The Traditions of The Elders,” which Jesus condemned.
The rabbis claim this “Tradition” is “Oral Law” given to Moses on Mount Sinai and carried through until fully codified in 600 AD.
Yet Moses himself could not answer a lot of questions on religious issues.
He had to wait for God’s reply, with no ‘Oral Law’ to guide him.
For example.
When some men, who were defiled by touching a dead body, thus could not keep the Passover, they asked Moses for advice.
Moses had to wait for God’s answer.
Only on God’s “commands” could Moses ever act.
“Commands” which Moses wrote down:
“WRITE these words,” God tells Moses, “for according to these words have I made a covenant with you and with Israel.”
“Judeo-Christian” is a recent invention.
A “ploy” of Protestants in the 19th Century to convert Jews to Christianity by giving them an easy “meme” to it.
My rabbi disputed.
“What do we have in common with Christianity?” he taught.
“How is there any conjunction with a religion that distorts our “T’nach, to conjure up a false messiah?
“Christians,” he said, “use this phrase, ‘Judeo-Christian,’ to give their false religion, validity.”
Jewish partisans today find the phrase quite useful.
‘Judeo-Christian’ serves to impose the notion that Judaism possesses the requisite root of Christianity.
Rooted in Judaism, they say, Christianity must be subject to Judaic interpretations about ‘messiah’…
…about Judaic outgrowths,
…about Judaic interpretations of history.
This “interpretation” has already saturated the Latin church.
It suddenly blames the Romans for the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, though St Peter in Acts 2 blames the Jews.
This “interpretation” has already saturated the Baptist Church.
Baptists still believe—in spite of the murder of Jesus Christ by the scribes and Pharisees and Elders and Sadducees and Jewish throng—
…in spite of St Paul saying the branch is broken off and only a “remnant” of Jewish faithful enters the Church until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ—
…in spite of the denunciation of the synagogue TWICE in The Revelation of St John…
…in spite of all that, the Baptists still believe the Jews are the “chosen people!”
We must not think through the prism of pre-conceived and foreign ideas when reading Holy Writ.
We must think through the prism of The Church, The Orthodox Church.
Right from the start…
…St Ignatius the God-Bearer, writes:
“It’s absurd to speak of Jesus Christ and to cherish a Judaism which has come to an end. For where there is Christianity there cannot be Judaism.”
He’s right.
There are stark differences between The Synagogue and The Church.
The Synagogue is exclusive…
…The Church is universal.
A member of our synagogue had married a Gentile woman, a “shiksa.”
She converted to Judaism, and….what can I say?
She was the best Jew of them all!
But she was never accepted.
Didn’t have the right blood, the right “nefesh.”
A ‘divinely given’ “soul,” but just a standard Gentile one.
Don’t say “Judeo-Christian.”
It’s a myth—with—as in legalize, “no standing.”
Brother Nathanael,
Are the modern Jews today the chosen people of God or are they a completely different group?
What is the difference between Mosaic Judaism and Rabbinical Judaism?
Evaluating Judaism
Public Statements of Heresy: The OCA’s Adoption of the Heretical Branch Theory?
Orthodox Christianity and Zionism are Morally Incompatible
I am a Baptist no more!!Thank you Brother!!
A Baptist no more!
Amen brother Nathaniel
From The Biblicism Institute website:
Judeo-Christian (?)
From our WISDOM FOR TODAY series
Never use that hyphenated idiocy.
1. Judaism is Pharisaism or Rabbinism. It has nothing to do with the bible. Its central tenets are in a book called the Talmud, a book full of Babylonian superstitions and lies.
2. Jews are NOT the Israelites of the Bible and therefore NOT the descendants of Judah.
That expression (Judeo-Christian) was created and set in motion by Rabbinists (now known as Jews) in order to hoodwink gullible Christians into believing that they are Judahites and that Christianity is an extension of their satanic cult. That way they could proceed with their diabolical plan to steal Palestine without the objection of the Christian world. See How the Ashkenazi Jews Conquered the West.
Next time you find yourself wanting to use that expression, bite your tongue. Instead, just say Christian.
Besides, isn’t Christ enough?
There are plenty of good articles on their website.
I always thought terminology “Judeo-Christian” is simply referring to the Bible.
I am a Baptist. However, I do not accept the idea that modern day national Israel is a fulfillment
of Bible prophecy. I believe that Christ himself is true Israel.
Dear BN+ : Can you please tell us more about the Babylonian Talmud, did it replace the Torah and Old Testament? What parts of Babylonian culture did it adopt? How did the Israelites actually transform into Talmudic Jews in Babylon? And, is the same Babylonian Talmud actually taught to Jews today? Thanks.
See Ft Nolan’s post above.
The current Vatican is Judeo -Something but it isn’t Christian.
Only the Traditional Roman Catholic Church has the 4 marks: One, Holy, Catholic (Universal) and Apostolic.
The Traditional Catholics and the Orthodox both maintain Apostolic Succession, a valid priesthood (Melchizedek) and valid sacraments.
We are unfortunately divided over such issues as “Filioque” and Papal Authority. Currently the Chair of Peter is vacant. A line of 6 impostors have falsely occupied the chair since 1958.,
Actually, only the Eastern Orthodox Church (officially known as the Orthodox Catholic Church) is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.
The chair of Peter in Rome has been vacant since 1054, when the bishop of Rome fell from grace due to his shameless arrogance. Luckily, the chair of Peter in Antioch has kept its integrity and has remained truly Catholic (i.e. Orthodox).
The “Filioque” clause is more than an issue; it’s blatant heresy since the Latin dogma of the Holy Spirit’s double procession (from the Father and from the Son) is unbiblical and an illegitimate tampering with the text of the original Creed. The simple fact of the matter is that Papists dreamed up the dogma of the Holy Spirit’s double procession and altered the Creed in violation of every conciliar canon that Rome had previously subscribed to. This isn’t even up for debate. It’s just history.
As for Papal authority, it’s nowhere to be found in Scripture or in Church tradition. Except for three or four very vague New Testament quotes that can be interpreted and understood in many different ways, Papists have no Biblical basis for this claim. They will often assert that proof for Papal supremacy is found in the 16th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, in verses 18 and 19, where Christ promises the keys of the kingdom of Heaven to Peter, the supposed chief of the Apostles, and that He will (supposedly) build the Church on Peter’s person, even though there’s nothing in Christ’s statement that would suggest that Peter had rights to the keys of Heaven to the exclusion of the other Apostles or that the stone upon which the Church would be built was a reference to the person of Peter – one can just as easily understand it to be a reference to Christ Himself or to Peter’s confession of faith, which he made on behalf of the other Apostles. Papists will insist that since Christ is addressing Peter, only Peter can be the heir of the promise. This is, of course, ludicrous; Paul is the only Apostle in the New Testament who is called “a chosen vessel” by God and who rebukes another Apostle (Peter himself); should we conclude that no Apostle but Paul was a chosen vessel of God and that no Apostle but Paul had the right to rebuke another fellow Apostle? And then Papists start misrepresenting Peter’s distinction and seniority as absolute authority over the other Apostles, even though Christ Himself unequivocally precluded any such authority among the twelve on at least two occasions: “And he came to Capernaum, and being in the house he asked them: What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way? But they held their peace, for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest. And he sat down, and called the twelve and saith unto them: If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all” (Mark 9, 33-35), and “But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them: Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and their great ones exercise authority upon them. But so shall it not be among you, but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister, and whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all, for even the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many” (Mark 10, 42-45). Furthermore, Paul himself says twice in his second letter to the Corinthians that he is in no respect inferior to the “chiefest Apostles”, which indicates beyond any doubt that leadership of the Apostles was collegially shared by the Apostles and it did not rest only with Peter.
Lastly, history isn’t on the side of Papism. As with the Bible, Papists often resort to statements made by various Church Fathers (e.g. blessed Augustine, Ignatius of Antioch, Irenaeus of Lyons), take them out of context and spin them as confirmations of Papal Supremacy. I’m not going to dwell on this matter, I’m just going to go for the jugular by pointing to the Second Council of Constantinople; it was held against the wishes of the Roman Bishop, who had declined to attend. Although he had adamantly refused to subscribe to the decisions of the Council at first, in the end the Bishop of Rome agreed with them, which led to a schism between the Church of Rome and the churches in Northern Italy, whose bishops had rejected the decisions of the Council. This schism between Rome and Northern Italy would last a century and a half. Long story short, the Pope was snubbed by bishops not only in the East but also in the West. So no, the “traditional Catholic Church” is not really Catholic since it’s not Orthodox. It’s a branch that separated itself from the actual Church almost a thousand years ago and now it’s just dry wood.
Not only are Judaism are Christianity mutually exclusive, but so are the Talmud and pretty much the vast majority of the Old Testament, especially the Prophets. In Bava Metzia, 59b, it is unequivocally stated that, “since the Torah was given at Mount Sinai, we do not regard a divine voice, as you already wrote at Mount Sinai, in the Torah: ‘After a majority to incline'” In the Talmud it is claimed that this teaching, that the truth is to be found in the opinions held by a majority of rabbis and not in heaven or in God’s voice, goes back to the days of Elijah the Prophet and that even God confirmed it by saying: “My children [i.e. the Rabbis] have triumphed over me!”. However, every Old Testament Prophet, including Elijah, communicated with God directly, heard His voice and were instructed by it. To disregard the divine voice is to disregard pretty much every Old Testament book after Deuteronomy. I mean, the Book of Jeremiah is replete with phrases like “..and the Word of God came to Jeremiah”. I’m seriously thinking that these so-called scholars who waste years of their lives pouring over thousands of pages filled with quarrels and disputes among neurotic rabbis don’t really care about the Old Testament.
I thought Brother Nathanael disappeared! I am glad I found this website.
Brother,how are you and blessings to you.I cannot get my favorite site realjewnews to load for a number of weeks now.What happened?I miss all the information about history and events and Christianity you had there.Will it be back on soon?
People wouldn’t send donations for the maintenance of the website, that’s what happened. Everyone wanted the milk for free. BN had been asking readers for donations for months but to no avail and now everyone is acting surprised that the website is offline.
Sadly, many Christians like to talk about charity but they rarely practice it..
Had Br. Nathanael reached out to Orthodox communities I’m certain some of them would have considered helping him out.
It’s not too late, I’d be happy to connect him with some people.
No guarantees though.
This way he’d have a team backing him up instead of going it alone.