Brother Nathanael Debunks Ben Shapiro
I grew up in the synagogue and my father was not a Zionist. So it’s easy to debunk Ben Shapiro.

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I grew up in the synagogue and my father was not a Zionist. So it’s easy to debunk Ben Shapiro.
Debunking Ben Shapiro
I grew up in the synagogue and my father was not a Zionist.
So it’s easy to debunk Ben Shapiro.
My dad used to ask:
“Why aren’t Jewish families moving to Israel?”
Ben says there’s a “need.”
But who’s taking heed? [Clip]
[“We can pretend that history doesn’t exist, or that the world’s Jew-haters have moved suddenly beyond their hatred for the Jews. After all, they assure us that the Jews no longer need a state of their own. That, ‘we live in a more tolerant. kind age. That if only the Jews would give up their stubborn insistence of survival as a nation everything would just be fine.’ Of course, these are precisely, identical to the same people who make excuses for people who attack Jews in supermarkets in France and on the streets of Brooklyn.”]
Well, I don’t know about you…
…but if my family was being attacked in France or Brooklyn…
…I’d want us to leave.
But I don’t see anyone leaving France, nor the streets of Brooklyn.
So what gives? [Clip]
[“So here’s the thing. We can ignore history but we ignore it at our own peril because history does not ignore the Jews, ever.” Applause! Shouts! Applause!]
To be fair did history ignore 45 million Chinese peasants murdered by Mao Tze Tung in 1962?
Or the hundreds of thousands of Armenian Christians slaughtered by the Turks in 1915.
Or the 60,000 Russian Orthodox Christians martyred by the Bolshevik thugs of the communist regime.
I don’t see any selective discrimination when it comes to genocide. [Clip]
[“As God told the Jewish people, ‘And I shall take you unto Me a people and I will be unto you, God.’ Israelis understand this.”]
But most Israelis are secular, I’m friends with many of them, they don’t even believe in God.
My rabbis taught me that calling on God when you don’t believe in Him is “taking God’s name in vain,” breaking the 3rd commandment. [Clip]
[“The single most indicator of this fact is the fertility rate in Israel. It’s truly an unbelievable fact. In fact, it’s truly an amazing stat when you think about it. In the most politically left-wing areas of Israel reproduce at higher rates than other countries. In Tel Aviv, the fertility rate is 2.49.”]
Impressive enough, yet…
…according to official stats, the gay rate, in a very progressive Tel-Aviv, is at an astounding 25 percent.
Then seven out of 1000 Israeli women seek abortion regularly according to the official stats.
All of it subsidized by Israel’s National Health Care System, accessible at hospitals and clinics throughout “Eretz Yisroel.”
Some Jewish rabbis, also very progressive, now insist that abortion is a religious right.
Following the Jewish Rabbis’ logic, it would seem to make abortion a “Jewish sacrament.” [Clip]
[“Now look, this doesn’t mean the state of Israel ought to be a theocracy. It does mean that the state of Israel must always be connected to its Jewish roots, and it must be bound by the central principles of Judaism to be a light unto the nations through virtue and responsibility, a beacon to the world through freedom and duty. Indeed, God keeps his promises.”]
Sure does.
God made it clear in Scripture that the land is leased, not owned.
Contingent, as we learned in Sabbath School, on obedience to the covenants of which the Israelites continually broke.
Thus God “disconnected” the Israelis from the leased land when they demanded Pilate to condemn that most innocent Man to death on the Cross.
It is Written In The Law Of Moses—which we thoroughly studied in Hebrew School— that the “shedding of innocent blood” results in the land “vomiting out the people.”
And with no Mosaic remedy indeed.
Moses says it, I believe it, that settles it.
Some Chasidic rabbis, with whom I studied, agree.
“Shapiro was born in Los Angeles, California, to a Conservative Jewish family of Russian-Jewish and Lithuanian-Jewish ancestry.[5][6][7] When he was 9 years old, his family transitioned to Orthodox Judaism.[7] He started playing violin at a young age[8] and performed at the Israel Bonds Banquet in 1996 at 12 years of age.[9] His parents both worked in Hollywood. His mother was a TV company executive, and his father, David Shapiro, worked as a composer.”
“Benjamin Aaron Shapiro (born January 15, 1984)[1] is an American columnist, author, conservative political commentator, media personality, attorney, and businessman. At age 17, he became the youngest nationally syndicated columnist in the United States.”
Perhaps the Jewish connection possibly or probably had something to to with that early opportunity?
Being a member of any tribe has definite benefits, especially when your tribe has already infested an industry or has vast amounts of wealth in an area or arena.
So, “God” “leased” land to jews. (?)
Hilarious, that with jews, there’s always a contract of some sort involved, even with their “relationship” with their supposed “God”.
Sorry, Brother Nate, I’m not a religious person, and regardless of any arguments made in this video, I find the idea of a real estate lease contract with “God” to be utterly absurd and, in fact, quite insane.
This is inferred from the parable with the vineyard and the unfaithful workers. The lord of the vineyard let it out to some evil workers who turn on him and refuse to render him the fruits. The lord then sends his servants to collect the fruits but the workers kill or beat the servants. In the end the lord sends his son, in hopes that the workers will fear him, but the workers decide to kill the son to seize on his inheritance. It’s obvious that the vineyard (the land of Israel) belongs to Christ since it’s His inheritance and that its occupants are leaseholders, not proprietors. This is further stated even more clearly in Galatians, chapter 3, that Abraham’s seed to which the promises were made is Christ. After all, isn’t Christ the King of Israel?
The Principle that the Land of Israel Belonged to God
This was the first and foremost principle in God’s Law for Redeeming the Land.
In Leviticus 25:23 God declared, “the land is mine.” He was its ultimate owner; therefore, ultimate power over the land rested with Him as Israel’s King (Ps. 149:2; Isa. 43:15).
He alone had the right to rule over and dispense the land for His own benefit and in accordance with His own sovereign purpose.
Go back and read the Blessings and Curses in Deuteronomy. The Covenant Law takes the form of the ancient Near East suzerain treaty between king and vassal, there are covenant conditions both the king and vassal and their mutual covenant obligations under the treaty, and ultimately serves as the conditional land lease between God and the servant-nation of Israel. Failure of the servant-nation to fulfill conditions of the Covenant Law would result in the dire punishments (curses) outlined in Deuteronomy. In the case of shedding innocent blood under national covenant law, Israel would be vomited (expelled) from the land.
Shapiro mentions the “Jew haters,” but leaves out the “Jewish haters” who spit on Christian clerics in Jerusalem and want everything Christian eliminated from Jerusalem. Then someone submits legislation which condemns Christian evangelism in Israel calling such evangelism “genocide.” Ultimately, someone comes along who wants to punish anti-semitism with capitol punishment. (Any guesses who made that speech?). The Zionists can cultivate their fantasy of a “Yiddish Kingdom,” but it will never happen. They will go too far with attempting to establish it and when resistance knocks it down, they will blame everyone but themselves for attempting such a radical and blasphemous action.
Thank you brother Nathanael for sharing your jewish experience. You are showing us that God did not abandon the Jews, otherwise they would not exist anymore and/or none of them could be saved … like you.
God has permitted the Jews to come back to Israel because He wants to gather the 12 tribes of Jacob in Israel in the end times when Elijah will come back; but of course all true christians are through Our Lord Jesus-Christ, the sons of David, of Jacob and Abraham.
But God will not permit the synagogue of Satan to expel Christians and muslims from the Holy Land and will not permit them to rebuild a Temple to sacrifice animals as before. They ended the animal sacrifices when they sacrificed the Lamb of God.
Thank you for sharing with us your ignorance of both testaments.
First of all, the twelve tribes of Israel no longer exist. If they do, please tell us where they are.
Secondly, those who reject Christ the Messiah lose their Israelite kinship.
Thirdly, there won’t be any physical restoration of Old Israel since, in the words of Christ Himself, “the kingdom of God does not come with observation, neither shall they say Lo here! or Lo there! for behold, the kingdom of God is within you”.
Lastly, the Holy Land that some call Palestine and others call Israel has no special status in the New Testament era as far as anyone’s salvation is concerned. The fact that you’re ascribing so much religious importance to this location indicates that you’re simply conflating the two testaments. You’re also talking as if you actually knew for a fact what will happen in the last days when in fact you don’t even know what’s going to happen tomorrow. So stop talking as if you knew exactly what God’s plan is.
I’m Orthodox. I want to be baptized again? Please reach out.
If you are orthodox (Christian) you CAN NOT be baptize again.
…salaam alaikum Brother!…just a quick note to let You know what a distinct pleasure it is to again watch Your videos – and, as always, with THE B-E-S-T BACKDROP THERE IS – the one that was not “made by the hands of men”…
…(as to Ben Shapiro – do You know yet of any YES/NO online polls asking whether he is or isn’t….a ROBOT..??… …)…
Brother,I cant get realjewnews for the last week or so.Whats happened?