Abortion Beyond Christianity
Mainstream says; “Christians” are mysteriously ‘taking society backwards,’ But are they? No!
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Mainstream says; “Christians” are mysteriously ‘taking society backwards,’ But are they? No!
Abortion Beyond Christianity
Abortion is all the rage these days.
Just watch the main stream news and you’re told that “Christians” are ’stealing away’ your abortions.
Inevitably it seems, “Christians” are mysteriously ‘taking society backwards,’ and coming for all your fundamental rights.
But are they?
Christianity’s only ‘threat’ is that it recognizes a power that no government can supersede.
You see, for big government to work it has to be the highest point of power.
It’ll come back to bite you. [Clip]
[“It was not until years after the Roe ruling the Evangelical Movement decided that coalescing around abortion was the way to unify religious groups and gain political power. The anger of evangelicals was activated by segregation but continued segregation was less than a palatable way to motivate evangelical voters on a broad scale, not enough to win an election. So that’s where the issue of abortion came in.”]
Find a back door to trash Christians—by conjuring up some whacky conspiracy—and you open wide the gates for Socialist tyranny.
Socialism allows no competition.
God and the Church have no place in an all-powerful government scenario.
In quick reply to this mumzer, “abortion” for Christians is a Biblical issue, not a path to political power.
“I am fearfully and wondrously made,” said King David.
“I knew you in the womb,” said God to Jeremiah.
“A woman has great joy when bringing a baby into the world,” affirmed Jesus Christ.
The Church thus recognizes that life is breathtakingly profound.
Lots of hate being whipped up today against Christians.
Here’s an NBC hit piece that equates a “light-skinned Jesus with preservation of inequality as part of the divine order.”
Well…Ghandi was “white” but he surely didn’t conjure up a demand for “inequality” in India.
St Paul was “white” but he plainly didn’t propagate an “unequal divine order” when preaching the Gospel to all peoples, not only to the Jews.
“Evangelical author explains how to escape the racism that ‘infiltrates’ white churches in America.”
Here’s a CNN hit piece that equates “one person’s past” with a “contemporary infiltration of racism” of White Christian churches.
Christianity is not racist.
There are religions, though, that you can only truly participate in if you were born into it.
How silly is that?….
“We have the answer, but no one but us can partake.”
Stirring up societal hate against Christianity preps for a Christian purge.
And a society purged of Christianity is ripe for the planting of government religions—like Socialism, like birth quotas, like forced procedures, global tax—all and all, an ominous playing field where the government replaces God.
Abortion is the great sword today.
Blame the Christians for taking away your “right to choose” and the sword will cut another way:
A totalitarian government telling you what you “must choose.”
“We must obey God rather than man,” said St Peter to the ruling class when demanding he cease his preaching.
Throw out God, then government becomes god—menacingly so—and no, it won’t be a good god.
That should scare the heck out of both Pro-Choice and Pro-Life partisans alike.
I learned long ago that anything seen on MSNBC was at best propaganda, but more likely an outright lie.